Long Post Alert

Hi hi Bee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Sunday!!!!!!!!!

How are you? Hope your weekend was fab.

What have I missed out on?

My week was good; adjusting to the new office and all.

Then the high point of my week!! Yesterday!!!

So, Cutie has been moved to a new office in some K state at the edge of the map and he had to go back to Abuja yesterday to get his stuff then move. I had made plans to hang out with Sisters Inc. earlier so I left the house real early and told them I'd meet up with them when they were ready to roll.

Then I went to hang out with Cutie (K- state is like umm.. the other end of the world and he'll have to get all moved in and settled BEFORE he even thinks or smells this side of the globe. Depressing thought).


We are both seated at the airport, I'm playing C-Crush on the pad, trying to keep my mind blank for awhile and then I look up and about 5-6 males walk in and head towards the Check-In area.

That's not the reason why I kept looking at them though!

There were about 4-5 teens or early 20-somethings and then 1 adult (ok, it was the adult that caught my eye. He was the oldest and the tallest). He just had this thing about him that I couldn't quite place.

I turn to Cutie and tell him to see. He pays me no heed. Dude is tired of having to see everything I point out, I guess. Hehehe.

Oh!! And they all had Taekwondo- Team Nigeria jerseys on. 

Which is probably why I kept looking at the tall adult.

I watch them for a few minutes. They check in and the other 3-4 hop, seriously they jogged/ hopped( kangaroo like) out of the waiting area to their car; leaving one baby roo ( he was young and springy and I'm pretty sure he has some mighty fast moves in competitions too) and the adult.

  See.. the thing is I had this feeling I knew him. Ok!!!!! Before you tear me apart with 'em rolling eyes, hian! Not know him- know him. More like I have spoken to this person before or something like that. So I tell Cutie that I know him and that I sent him ( you do know the HE/ HIM in question is the adult, right??)a mail once and he responded. He just looks at me and says ok.

Arrgggghhhhhh! Not helping my ministry at all ( now that I think of it, I'm not sure what exactly I wanted Cutie to do. As in wetin consain vulture with dieting??? I can shaaaaaaa be a wahalacious being).

 Then I think for a sec and tell Cutie I'm going to just walk right up to him and ask if he's who I think he is.

Thing is Cutie already KNOWS I can be daring like that. Besides its not like he had bodyguards- not like that would have stopped me.

So, I stand up, dust my bombom, pick my phone and walk through the screening point to the restaurant where he, thankfully!!! is standing alone.

I say hi, introduce myself and ask if he's Y.

He says yes and I do a happy dance and give him my biggest, widest, 100 Watts UluUlu smile.

We talk for awhile and I ask if its ok to take a picture with him.

Got someone to do the honors and the bros takes some wuglie pishures. Hian!!!!!!! Wants to use his Reggae to spoil my Blues! As if its everyday I run into Y **rollingeyes**. I collect the phone sharpsharp and take 5 pictures myself. Go in for a bear hug, smile and say bye.

*Fanning self* Y is CUTE!!!!!!!! Really Cute!!!!!!!!!!!! And he has dimples too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, Can it, Cee.

Anyways!! I get back to Cutie, who looks at me shakes his head in his I'm-not-surprised way whenI show him the pictures. Cutie even said he's cute too! See?????????? I told you!!

Perfect end to a long week. I spent time with Cutie( whom I'm going to missssssssss a lot!!!!!! kai!) hung out with the bestest sisters ever, and took pictures with Gorgeous Y.

Enough crushing on and gushing over Y...

Hope you had fun too!

 Cutie can be such a playful being sometimes sha!!! I almost punched him on the spot! Walked into a pharmacy to get face wipes and chips and the first thing out of his mouth when we walked in was, 'Please can we have a PreggieKit?'

I turned so fast, I was dizzy. And he was just standing there! Poker faced.

The owner of the store hopped to it and even went as far as explaining the different brands. *coversface* I had to apologize and hightail it out of there.

I made sure I punched him HARD. PreggieKit kor, CarePackage ni.


Have a blessed week ahead! Smile plenty and be thankful plentyyy tooo!!!!!!! Buzz you later!




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