Life's Lessons

Ohla Bee.

Happy Tuesday. How are you?

What did I miss??

Oh! They found the airplane. Hmm... Don't look at me funny, but I think.. The only reason they're saying they've found the debris of the aircraft is because the search seems to be dragging on for tooooo long and then they have tons of families looking to them for answers. Then there's the media..

More like a we-found-something-to-help-them-with-closure situation. Hmmm.. But that's just me o!

Oh well..

Was reading an excerpt from an article and it reminded me of that Luhman song ( I wonder why you keep bringing that song up! We get that it's one of your all time favorites. * rollingeyes* )

It talked about how things that seem to mean everything to us at different points in our lives, seem really trivial at later time periods.

    Say, when I was in my early teens... Let's see.. What was realllyyyyyyy important to me?

Ummm.. For one?? High tailing it out of that dungeon called a boarding school!!


I saw kpekpe ( pepper).

Now, people manage to brush up their Nancy Drew skills and sniff you out on some soial media/ networking platform and want to be added to your contact list - same people who used yah eye to see the elder brother of ata rodo ( same same....pepper.) and I'm wondering, 'Huh??????'

 Ok, fast forward.

Uni days. What did I see as most important?? School, I guess. Making the most of my time there.

You know ehn.. In school, whenever the exam timetable was put up, I would look round at people hurrying about with their books and totally confident selves and just marvel at how unshaken they all seemed.

Didn't they know the exam timetable had been put up???? What did they know they were all going to write???.


I know. I'm a frog.


Then, after graduation, hmm...all I saw as important was getting me a job.

Ok, Dear Boring Being.

I don't think I've really worried about anything fickle like how my hair looks or how much makeup I need to get. The most I've probably done was worrying about getting a dress that fit..

Oh. That ought to count.

Because now that I think of it, anything would have been ok. As long as I was comfortable.
I guess I'd say that I learnt early in life to worry about the veryyyyyyy important things.


It's almost April!!!

Hmmm... Then May!!! Yay!! I'm going to have a very quiet birthday. I'll probably even be at work.

Countdown begins.

Went grocery shopping today. I must say that as much as I'm happy just looking at stuff I like on the shelves?? I really don't like the heavy lifting or transporting and zapping in between cars to get from one point to another.

*wipes brow* I won't be surprised if I've lost all the weight I gained last week. ( in your dreams)

Oh well..

Buzz you later.




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