
So.. After all that cold air on Sunday, guess who ended up with a bad case of sore throat and splitting headaches?
As usual, I indulged in my favorite pastime; SLEEP!!

Counted the hours till it was time to head home and then I fervently wished I had Aladdin's carpet to get me home in a flash.


Got home, and slept!
Made sure I plied my tummy with loads of fluids.

You know something??? When people say take fluids, they sure do know what they're saying.

The fluids; water, dissolvable Vitamin C, Ribenna and water?? They really helped!!

I was surprised.

I feel a little shaky and weak but a whole lot better!

Thank God for big mercies.

Oh well..

Isn't it funny how when you have something, you start wanting something else??

Man's insatiable needs...



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