One of those days..

Ohla you.

Not so happy Tuesday.

It's one of those thick, overwhelming mood swing days.

Something happy happened this morning though. A friend buzzed to say she had gotten a job we had all been praying she would get. I kept thinking of how things eventually work out for the best.

God is really awesome! When you think all is lost, He shows up big time. I've always believed God blesses you in multiples. Not just once or twice or three times.. Overwhelmingly.

I'm so happy for her. Thank. God for big mercies.

In other not-so-happy news. It's not sad sad, but you know how the news channels seem to only carry depressing news? One minute you hear how some clearly deranged dude says he'll sell children, and the next minute you hear how some innocent diver helping in the search for clues loses his life.


And then June draws really close and I just can't help but wonder what next.

Maybe I should take up writing permanently. At least, it's something I seem to love.

Or maybe I should just take some days off work.

I'm just not feeling myself today sha.

All the bad news flying about isn't helping either. Would it kill us to live and let others live?

Watched the deranged dude's video and although I couldn't understand what he was saying, his body language was clear.


Confused being.

Why didn't he cram the whole speech? Why the sudden need for modern weapons of war or for that tank or even for the camera? The heart of man... God have mercy.

Typical example of the sky is falling down, except this time? The sky isn't falling down ( or maybe it is). It's the world; crumbling like a deck of cards.

It's really sad the way humans act towards others.

Not nice at all.

We don't fear God's wrath.

We don't even remember that some things are sacred.

The human life is. We don't create yet we maim, kill, destroy.

I'm even worried about all these Northern states and their inhabitants( that sounds really detached). Sotayyyyyyyy the news channel that rhymes with the cartoon channel have so wa di news.


Oh God of Creation. Have mercy on us.

And I'm having twins.


Cee, you worry so.

I do, right?

Here's a prayer That calms me...

Jesus, I depend on you.
I have no power of my own.
When things are going well for me, I know they have come from you, for I have no power of my own.
In my trials I rely on you. In my temptations, I trust in you.
My success is in your hands.
My life is in your hands. For I have no power of my own.
Oh Lord, I cannot do without you.
Guide my going and my coming both now and always, Amen.

God bless and keep you always. Amen.



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