I miss...

You know how you have all your emotions in check and your head drowned in whatever keeps you busy and robotic and then you see that which breaks through your protective wall and the dam breaks?

I’m spewing nonsense, maybe.

I miss...

I miss my dad.

I miss how we'd goof around.There was this time we'd lay on our backs on the balcony and split the geckos on the ceiling into 2 then form teams and count how many insects each team gobbled up.

I miss how he’d cook for his birthday on the 25th of December and we’d keep the gist going while he cooked.

I miss how he’d beat us at board games and go on to call you, ‘iti’ (that bit is so funny now).

I miss how we’d play with his clothes and more than once, Chio would borrow something of his or Princess Dee would lock me in his wardrobe. ( That young lady ALWAYS got us into plenty trouble *side eye*).

I miss seeing how his eyes would light up on days when he’d show up, out of the blues when we were in school.

I miss how he used to drill...Scarface, poor dude.  In fact  ALL the males who ever visited our home got a taste of the Victor-Inquisition.

I do miss him a lot.

Three hearty cheers! Hip hip hurray!  To all dads actively involved in the raising of their kids.
Hear! Hear!



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