“Merci” or none at all?

 Ohla Bee!!!

So I was bouncing off ideas with me BFF ( read ‘bouncing’ as arguing. He’s the best person to argue with because one minute he gives up like he doesn’t want any more of my wahala and when he sees I’ve quietened down, he quickly chips in his own argument. It’s oh so funny when we start!) and as we neared a junction, a bike rider slowed down to let him through.

Making eye contact with the rider (and his passenger, of course) I said, ‘Thank you.’

BFF asks why I thanked him and what started out as a harmless explanation soon spiraled into a typical case of ‘Your No cannot overshadow my No.’ Hehehehehehehe.

And it just irks me! Because most times, he’s simply just playing Devil’s Advocate and taking the opposite stance!

So my opinion: You visit a restaurant and get treated to the standard service… wait scratch that. You get service that above and beyond. Then as you leave you pay for said service and add a sweet ‘Thank you.’

I think it’s just a small measure in addition to what you’re paying to show appreciation for services rendered. Now BFF darling said you don’t owe them any thanks because it wouldn’t make any difference, especially as you’re already paying for the service.

After yelling and almost tearing my hair out, I realized I would just burst a nerve if I didn’t give it a rest already and THAT was when he finally explained what he meant. So you’re on the giving side – an employee and you’re giving your all. Chances are you won’t get thanked/ appreciated/ commended for it.

Your question should be, ‘Are you doing this great ‘deed’ for the compliments/rave reviews or because it is simply who you are?

Chew on that, Cee.

Basically, the message he was trying to make me understand is that no-one owes you anything.

Yaa *in ‘SING’ Gunter’s voice*

…and I get that!

Except it’s just possible that I’m a big sucker for these things so I’m still of the opinion that you say ‘Thank you’ and “Please’ to the tiniest of gestures shown to you. 

It doesn’t make the sun shine any more brighter than it already does AND not saying them doesn’t make the sun shine any less brighter either!

So I’ll stick to saying to my Thank-Yous and Pleases regardless.

And it doesn’t matter, shouldn’t matter, if it doesn’t make any difference because it’s not about what’s pop culture now, is it?

Wooh, I cannot come and go and kill myself and die!

Do you!




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