Thankful and Grateful.

Ohla Bee!!

Happy Sunday!

How have you been?

Sorry I disappeared again. Work has been 100 shades of crazy. Thank God for big mercies.


What did I miss out on?

I've just been dey o!

No hot-like-fire gist.

Travelled for my cute girlfriend's trad this Easter. Saw old friends, even my Math teacher in school( who happens to also be her mom). I'm really happy I went.

You know how all of a sudden, after you've made travel plans, you become indecisive and wonder if it wouldn't be best to just stay home and sleep? That, my dear is as a result of inhaling the same kind of oxygen for days on end.

That's a sure sign that you need a break!!!! And a vacation!

So, the wedding was fun. I danced like an okoso, Fire Dancer that I am.

Came straight to work from the airport. Oh well. I'm thankful I did go and for journey mercies too.

  Got in and saw that I was scheduled for a 3day training, 8-6pm. Hmmm..

Got back from the training and my colleague had wrecked the office in her own unique Wreck-it-Ralph way. And the annoying part was that she tried to hide it from me, did not say anything about the damage till I found out myself!


Moving on.

The next holiday is in a few days time. Was really looking forward to going on vacation during this period. Oh well, at least there's that quick trip next weekend. I get to chopmychickenleg and hightail it to another state for the weekend.

Hehehehehehe. I do love me.

Did I already say the training was fun??? Muna of PersonneltyFit and her team, did a fantastic job!!! I was blown away.  And lunch break on day 2 was yummy yummy yum yum!!!

Ok, enough already.

I'll take off now.

Weddings, weddings everywhere. Plenty happy events everywhere.

And hey! Everyone and their first cousin, seems to be having multiple births!!!

There IS hope for me!!!


Ok, bye already.



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