Cloudy with a chance of Meatloaf??

Hi hi Bee.

How are you?

Happy cloudy Tuesday.

Hope you had a splendid weekend.

Work is good. A lot of people are probably wondering where I disappeared to, BBless being that I am.


I'm at my desk and work is at a lull and somehow my Dodo ears picked up bits of the happenings on CNN. The Oscar trial is on and they had him read out WhatsApp messages between him and his girlfriend, now late.( God bless her soul).

She talks about how he doesn't allow her chew gum. How she likes to believe that she makes him proud when she attends functions with him. The message also describes her apologizing for keeping him waiting,for not telling him she has a headache.

Plenty apologies, if you ask me. Sounds like she really loved him and was trying really hard to please him. More like she loved him more than he did her. Or she only had messages detailing her complaints with none detailing his own displeasure towards her. ( maybe she would send the messages whenever she feels vulnerable and upset and he, on the other hand, would call back to talk things over).

Just listening alone makes me cringe. Like those are private messages between two people involved and perhaps in love and now they are all out there for everyone to listen to!( he said he doesn't like arguing over the phone. Doesn't text much as he believes some messages are sometimes misinterpreted and his girlfriend was emotional and liked writing).

It's really sad.

Maybe females are more into writing and talking( a huge number in the later group than the former. I prer the former. Yea yea.. Whatever) to describe how they feel at every point in time than males.

Poor dude.

His voice is all shaky and full of tears.


Now even if theirs was just like every other relationship with its own high and low moments, every message will be over analyzed and scrutinized. Maybe because someone was killed.

He's sniffing all through the reading. Page 166 kwa!! Hian!

I just feel bad for him, I guess.( helpless though invisible romantic that I am).

Oh well..

We'll never know.

Disregard my rather  somber tone. I'm a sucker for happily-ever-afters I guess, and this one? Not happy, not even close.

Do have a splendid morning,ok?



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