#WorkFromHome Series: Day 1

Ohla  Bee!

How are you and the rest of your crew holding up?

I finallyyyyy got round to posting today. One would think that with all the “time” we seemingly have, posting would be online – real time, but alas! work prevailed.

How are you keeping, really?

Disclaimer: Long post ahead

The past few days have shown truly how resilient man even with the “con” of being a social animal. I saw an Instagram video about finding love and dating during COVID-19 with the lovebird going from a “date” on their respective rooftops & Face Timing, to blowing up a bubble and taking a walk (with one party in the bubble holding a bouquet).

Mushy but ingenious if you ask me!

Then again, I’m a sucker for happily-ever-after as always.

Here’s how I have managed in the following areas:


Have you ever wondered before now how much fun it would be, to work from the comfort of your home? How about now; do you still feel the same?
Now let’s add the complexity that comes with the concept of working from home this period. It is so unique as it merges your “work-self” situations with your “home-self” scenarios.

 You’ve probably come across the Twitter thread about individuals discovering the “work-self” of their significant other… or not! I thought it was simply hilarious.

How about you? How has your family taken to you working from home this period? Are they constantly seeking for ways to be goofballs around you and break your concentration?

For instance, you have your game-face on, and all; but how do you deal with colleagues who are behind on their tasks when you have your LO pulling at your shirt and blowing bubbles and spit down your cheek?

                                                                 Source: Pinterest

I, for one, have been known to easily shut out all distractions, slide into my nice, comfy bubble and deliver on whatever task I need to X off my To-Do list. However, I’ve learnt this period that it is in my best interest to burst my bubble and attend to the powers-that-be (read as “Jasmine”) if I want peace to work. 

Here’s what works for me:

1.    Set a routine (Wake up, shower LO, feed LO, work, homework with LO, work, feed LO, shower LO, night time, rest – repeat process(feel free to faint in between, you're welcome.) Come to think of it, I should TOTALLY infuse exercising. Now, that's a thought.

I used to be all over the place in the first 3-4 days of the lockdown but I learnt the hard way and I think we’re settling in nicely, with occasional meltdowns in between.


When you’re the 5:30am – 8/9pm(or whenever traffic lets you be great) type of parent, then you know first-hand that this WFH period is an excellent time to bond with your family. If you happen to have children, then you’re doubly blessed!

Here’s what I’ve learnt:

1.    Mood Swings: Children are also humans, albeit tiny ones and this explains why most times they seem to be bouncing off walls. I mean, why else would someone be crying to be carried when the distance to their bed is a sneeze and a jump away, e ma gba mi o!(God help me!) I feel they pick up on our own raging emotions and since they have no way of dealing with these emotions, they take it out on us by crying for no reason
Here’s how I deal with this... T-A-L-K-I-N-G.

Yep…good old fashioned talking. It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure they understand ( I happen to believe they do understand, they’re super smart!). Think of how soothing and calming you sound when you reduce the pitch of your voice and talk about the crying bout. Try this and let me know how it goes :)

2.    Round-The-Clock Eating: These tiny beings are constantly in confined spaces( don’t even go there with how spacious the house is) and it’s only normal that they want to do something. What better thing to do than wolf down whatever the chef has stocked for the 2-week period! 


It is called stress eating for adults, I wonder what the term is for children
Here’s how I deal with this... P-L-A-N-N-I-N-G.

Talking also helps here. We’ll stick to the LO's usual timetable and bearing in mind the unusual times we find ourselves, the LO’ll get healthy snacks in between and plenty activity to keep her mind off food. Doesn’t always work out as “planned” but hey… we learn everyday!

Let’s hear how you’re faring. Oh and if you keep hearing someone yelling, that'd be me yelling for help! :)

A special shout-out, e-hugs and prayers to all caregivers, medical practitioners and selfless beings out there making a difference during these times.

God bless you plenty!

Lots of hugs and prayers


 P.S it's Chioma Rosemary Oguzie AKA Goldielocks birthday tomorrow! Happy birthday!!!!


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