Guard your heart!!

Ohla Bee!

It would seem like I'm always away! I had issues with my phone, then got another one Xperia to tide me over, pending when the other Xperia’s screen was fixed and my LO smashed that screen too.

So, I decided it was a sign to take a hiatus from the internet and spend time with loved ones.

Never underestimate the power of a teensy weensy baby, ño?

So, what did I miss out on? Not much, you say?


Great then, moving on.

The verse, ‘Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life’ is one that resonates with me always.

I’ve always said how the mind is a powerful tool. You know how those Sci-Fi movies go on and on about some shrink who has a patient that they intend to study how they can unlock the full potential of the brain?

Well, I think I may be on to something… or in this case, some things. I never used to give it any thought but once upon a time, I used to always be such a scared-y cat. So to overcome my fears, I would focus hard on whatever it was that gave me the creeps and, for lack of a better word, wish it away.

Now, it took a while for me to hone this ‘skill’ of mine. I even brushed it aside sometimes. Other times, I was simply to scared to even try.

Take this instance; I used to completely, totally abhor, detest (you think up any strong word that means any of the above and you’re spot on) going back to boarding school and couldn’t for the life of me, understand why I even had to go. Good news was, I knew what I wanted. Bad news was my parents were not interested in my constant whining about not wanting to go back to school.

My heart would pound so hard once I saw the school premises from the hill on my way back, that it was a big wonder I didn’t convulse and die (Hehehehehe.. Ok, I exaggerate). So, I learnt how to concentrate on things I wanted to happen. There was this time I was dreading mealtime & going to the dining hall. I simply walked out of class to sit in the sun, whilst wishing for a fever. Funny how it all started though, but it’s interesting to note that I had a serious fever that had me in bed where I completely blacked out for 2 days. Then again, maybe I had it coming… the fever that is.

Now, moving on to a couple years after. I learnt to focus and strongly wish things away, while actually saying it out loud ( or in my head, lol)

So, if I really want something, I’d pray so hard about it and then drop off the fear/ worry and everything would simply fall into place. Say I wanted time to go see the Nutcracker, I’d just focus on it, say it out loud and somehow, it would happen.

Over the years, I’ve learnt to be super careful what I watch or say or listen to. This is because I’ve come to understand that there’s power in what you expose your eye, ear and mouth gate to.

I also understand that I can say something and the chances of it happening are 99:1 (the former being it will definitely happen). I once participated in a draw and picked a number. Because it had to do with a presentation of sorts, I willed the number I picked to be a 7 and unwrapping the number picked, it was.

So, what books I read, movies I watch, songs I listen to; all these play a great role in how well I can be in tune with my core or, out of tune, so to speak. It also determines how easy it is to tap into my mind and make what I want to happen, actually do. (Now I’m beginning to sound like the dude in Nostradamus’ ‘The Man Who Saw Tomorrow and scare myself).

Basically, all I’m trying to say is this; there’s so much you can do for yourself. Starting with what you say about yourself, what you think and how you perceive things. It all boils down to the power of Positive Thinking.
Negative thoughts are a complete no- no!

‘Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right!’ – Henry Ford.

I told you, didn’t I?

So I want it and say it and it happens. I’ve learnt not to question how it works. At some point, a friend used to ask me each time he wanted some event to take place and I’d just say if I want it to happen or not; and it would happen.

Makes you believe when the bible says there’s power in the tongue, ño?

Besides, what business do you have speaking negativity, failure or loss into your life?

Take charge of your day, your life and speak positivity whilst working towards making the best you there ever can be.

Loads of hugs,


PS. I stumbled on a great find today!


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