Leave when love’s no longer served.

Day 6 of 366

Ohla you!

Today’s going to be a great day filled with great opportunities!

This year, my mantra is,  “Stay positive, stay happy.” So when I read the above  header in my Monday Newsletter from Moe, it kinda struck me at how often we sell ourselves short. And this happens in most, if not all spheres of life.

Ever been in a room when a question is asked and you think something random but don’t say it out only to have someone else say it  and then be commended and praised to the high heavens because they were spot on? 

Most times in the course of our day/lives, we get served the same devaluation, demeaning, disconcerting treatment that gradually chips at our self worth. People often have to put up with a lot of bad behavior from others simply because they feel they don’t have a choice.

“I don’t have anywhere else to go...”
“I probably deserve it...”
“It’s just work, it’s normal.”

The truth is, toxic behavior is never normal. Someone once said hurt people lash out with the intention to hurt other people and that there is totally wrong. And that’s the reason why staying put in an environment you have no business being in, is dangerous to your entire being.

You gradually get accustomed to being treated badly and I’m very sure that’s not anywhere in God’s divine plan for you🤯

Here’s the full quote by Nina Simone:

“You’ve got to learn to leave the table when love is no longer served.”

This for you could mean leave that toxic energy or spend less of your strength pleasing people who will never see you as being enough. Imagine putting all that energy to use pleasing God instead. Or embarking on some self development journey/course.

In the new year, I hope you find the courage and strength to speak up for you, to show up for you and stand up for all that is good and right.

And above all, stay with people who build you up in love , encourage you and help you on you journey to being the best you there ever will be.

Loads of hugs and love,


PS. My LO is a bundle of light and when I get stuck, I think of all the ways she makes me happy. You could do same; start by concentrating on the things that bring joy to you, for those moments when you feel down or sad. If all else fails, you have a friend who is always ready to listen and receive you with open arms- God.


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