Last FIP Post for the day!

I realize Didi is just watching us so I turn towards him and quickly do the introductions.
I immediately look at Fran’s face to judge his reaction but his face is blank. Funny, I realize I really want him to like Didi so I try to make small talk to dissolve the tension.
“Fran are we still up for tomorrow night?”
He just looks at me like some part of my brain has come unhinged and goes back to analyzing Didi like a bug.
Tomi chuckles under her breath and comes to my rescue. “So, Fran is hosting the palates of some new and not-so-new money bags this weekend and we look forward to seeing you there. Don’t we, Fran? We could form our own clique, you & I, and trade banters about what palate has toothpick legs and all that.”
God bless your heart, Tee. Didi seems to like her which somehow seems to make Fran scowl even more!
“Ok! Fran and I will be on our way. Have fun, kids!” Tomi practically drags him away.
Fran gives Didi one long, meaningful glare and turns to follow her.
“That went well.” I manage to say. I’m not sure if I should be surprised at Fran’s behavior. “I’m sorry, he’s usually very friendly. He’s probably hungry. That’s the only...”
Didi cuts in, ”It’s alright. I’d probably do worse if I saw some dude mauling Somfe. What, blows may even be exchanged!”
I smile weakly; I help gather the empty bags, drop them in the bin and we leave.
Didi pulls up in front of the house and comes round to open the door.
Hmm, I could get used to
this. Points!!!
He walks me to the door and only lets go of my hand to allow me unlock the door.
“I didn’t expect to have a relaxed evening but I did. Thank you.”
Didi flashes his dimples again and tugs me into his arms, giving me a hug.
“Thank you too! I’d best be leaving before your Marine brother shoots me in the thigh. I had fun. You really do need to relax around me. We’re going to be best friends and the sooner you let your guard down around me, the better. I’ll see you at Fran’s event, ok? I’ll be the palate waving the peace offering.”
He smiles. Those damn dimples again! Then leaves.
He walks me to the door and only lets go of my hand to allow me unlock the door.
“I didn’t expect to have a relaxed evening but I did. Thank you.”
Didi flashes his dimples again and tugs me into his arms, giving me a hug.
“Thank you too! I’d best be leaving before your Marine brother shoots me in the thigh. I had fun. You really do need to relax around me. We’re going to be best friends and the sooner you let your guard down around me, the better. I’ll see you at Fran’s event, ok? I’ll be the palate waving the peace offering.”
He smiles. Those damn dimples again! Then leaves.
Walking through the house,
I’m glad I didn’t let my agidi stop me from grabbing something to eat while I
was out with Gbeyiwa. It turns out Fran didn’t swing by the house or drop any
of his burnt offerings this time around. Oh well. I’m stuffed anyways.
The last thing I remember
doing is checking my phone for messages from Somfe and I zonk out on the couch.
Saturday Morning: Fran’s event is for tonight so rolling out of
bed, I decide to start the day prepping my hair. I know Tee will be there and I
may not even get to be that much a guest but you know what they say about
putting your best foot forward. I spend the better part of the day washing/deep
conditioning and all that. Hair smells heavenly by the time I’m done sectioning
it off, laying down my edges and prepping it to dry.
My arms, on the other
hand, feel exactly the way Popeye’s arms look.
I head downstairs to grab
something to eat and see Tee’s note tapped to the fridge.
*Sleeping Beauty! Finally! You looked exhausted, we didn’t want to
wake you. Check the oven for Fran’s peace offering, to make up for his behavior
with your friend. About your friend; hmm! Where did you find him?! Does he have
a twin?! We need to talk! Buzz me!*
Muffling a yawn, I waddle
to the oven and getting a spoon, I dig in.
In between mouthfuls, I
flip my phone over to check my messages. I turn up my nose in disregard
scrolling down to see a dozen messages from Somfe.
Not interested in reading
any of them now. “Let her stew.” I am about to drop my phone when another
message comes in. I drop my phone to fill my mouth with food and glance down to
read and almost choke on my food.
Guzzling water I read what
Gbeyiwa sent.
*Be ready at 2. I thought
we’d finish up some work before heading out. Pick you up in a bit. Gb.*
Who in heavens name jinxed
me with this dude ehn? Who spends Saturday afternoon, under the hot sun at
work??? I look at the time and it is 1:35.
I have less than 25 minutes
to get ready!
I jump off the bed, kicking
my plate in the process. I pull a demure, black dress from my wardrobe. I was
meant to wear something entirely different for Fran’s gig and since it doesn’t
seem like I’d be leaving work with enough time left to come home and change,
this would have to do.
Dress: check.
I am dressed, showered and
dashing downstairs with my makeup when I hear a knock at the door. My heart
begins to pound and I take deep breathes to steady my breath.
“It’s only Didi and it’s
not like he’s coming in. Besides, if he tries anything, you know a few moves,
I dash to the door and
quickly check my reflection in the mirror by the doorway dresser.
Oh no! I forgot to check my
hair! What to do?! I yank the scarf off my head and hide it behind my back as I
open the door.
“Good afternoon to you too!
You’re all set?
Raising a perfectly arched brow, he gives me the once-over and
turns to walk towards the car. I pause for a bit and then hurriedly rush back
to grab my keys, bag and makeup bag. I ditch the scarf behind the door as I
close and lock up.
I’m determined to let my
weekend-self flourish regardless of having to show up at work and immediately
get to work on my face.
We’re almost at the office and I’m applying my
MascaraMadness when Didi steps on the brakes suddenly.
Muttering something under
his breath, he looks at me and asks if I’m alright.
“I’m fine.”
Bros, we’re
asking the wrong person. The question is are YOU ok! Thank goodness we are pros
at making up in moving vehicles else I’d have had the map of Banana Island on
my face!
We get to the office soon
and get to work with Didi half on the phone and busy punching away at his
laptop. I finish up sooner than I expected and excuse myself to go to restroom.
By the time I return, I’m perceive the aroma of correct banga soup and spy
wraps of swallow. My tummy chooses that minute to growl loudly.
Red faced,” I’m sorry, it’s
been awhile since I had breakfast.” I say.
Smiling while unwrapping
the swallow, Didi sets up and lunch is served in no time.
“This truly is heavenly!
When did you place this order? I’m going to have to stop eating at some point
so I can leave enough space for Fran’s gig later today.” I close my eyes in
bliss as I munch on a piece of…
“Fran’s gig! It’s almost 6!
I promised to help out and be there by 4 and I’m already 2 hours late!”
“ Calm down. I’ll clear
this up and we’ll be there in no time.”
“You really don’t have to,”
I add. “Fran’s going to be busy anyways an dhe might not even notice if you can’t
make it.”
“Hmm… I ask again, is it
just me you can’t stand? Because I get this feeling you’re trying to ditch me.
Here I was bragging to Somfe that you were my plus 1.”
I don’t want to be rude so
I decide, what the heck… He can tag along.
“I’ll be too busy helping
out and won’t be that much of a date, anyways. So, you’ll have to keep yourself
company and don’t blame me if it gets lonesome being by yourself.”
“Let me deal with that.”
He’s done and grabs his
keys, and we leave.
That's all folks!
Off to retail therapy draw.
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