Popcorn and Soda Time!! Or not.. :P
Ohla Bee.
Thank you very much for swallowing my posts. I almost threw in the towel but thought how easy that would be *side eye*
So, I promised to write more... And I did.
That is till my posts got swallowed.
I decided to try my hand at writing some.. Here's what I thought I'd do. Put up a few lines/pages once a week, see how it goes...
Here's the maiden entry. Tell me what you think.
Thank you very much for swallowing my posts. I almost threw in the towel but thought how easy that would be *side eye*
So, I promised to write more... And I did.
That is till my posts got swallowed.
I decided to try my hand at writing some.. Here's what I thought I'd do. Put up a few lines/pages once a week, see how it goes...
Here's the maiden entry. Tell me what you think.
Alarm sounds.
Groping in the dark, I
reach for the phone and mute the sound.
Today I woke up rather sleepy,
if you get my drift.
The generators just won't
stop and it wasn't till about
2am that NEPA aka Phone
aka Ikeja electricity decided
to help my ministry.
It's another Wednesday and I'm really not
looking forward to
going to that dry office.
I can't complain, I
guess. Just the other day, I bumped into Geraldine
from NYSC days and she
looked stressed. I guess I do have it easy. I get up and stretch, still
relishing the warmth of my bed. Then it hits me, Wednesday!!!
Today's the day the top
executives meet for their Bi Annual meeting.
Jumping to my feet and
almost toppling over from legs tangled in my sheets, I hurriedly get ready and
I'm done in record time. There's little traffic but I'm at my desk in no time.
Settling in, I turn on my
system and get lost in the buzz of activities. In between, getting the
boardroom set, reports available, welcoming and doing madam usher for the
participants, I'm surprised to look up at the clock and see that it's already
past midday.
Yay!!! My ideal day...too
busy for idle talk.
I finally sit and my toes
hurt like mad! Choi!
Good thing work will
ground to a pleasant lull once this meeting is over, I think. Heading out for a
quick bite, phone in hand, I'm so engrossed in my press press that I don't see
the being in front till I run into him.
'Oh, I’m sorry!'
'no, it’s alright'
Some dude from audit.
He's a bit on the quiet side, I think. I haven't had time to chitchat with
people in my cluster ka ofozie other floors or units.
We both move aside for
the other to pass and I think nothing of it.
The next time we run into
each other is at the water dispenser. I'd packed some cereals to take to work
with me and wanted to hold off the hunger from the night before.
'Oh hi, girl with the
Rolling my eyes, 'Hi
back, man at the dispenser.' I'm in no mood for small talk and I really need to
fuel my empty tank so I hurry back to my desk. Some people, it would seem can't
take a hint because he follows me back and perches on the edge of my desk.
Not wanting to be rude,
'You work in audit, right?'
'Yes, please. I've seen you about on my floor but you're
gone before I even get a chance to say hi.'
I mumble something
Awkward pause...
I'm not willing to say
anything more, besides my cereals is already soggy by now, I'm sure! I mentally
will him to leave.
'Do have a splendid
morning then, I'll see you around'
'You too,' I say... He
turns to leave then looks back with a funny did-I-miss-something look. I stare
back blankly and he shakes his head and flashes a smile.
Dude has dimples!!!!
Deep ones too! How come I
never noticed them or him?
I hurriedly start wolfing
down my cereals which were just perfect while feeling a tiny twinge of guilt
for behaving like a shrew. Oh well, he did say see me around right?
Next post on Female in Progress next week Tuesday.
God helping me.
In other news, I am looking forward to my hand in hair week come March. Wouldn't it be nice to take my braids off to see a whooping 8 inches worth of new growth?! ( Yeah, right! Even if you've been rolling in fertilizer. *side eye*) All in good time my dear, all in good time.
Oh well.. Do have a fabulous week!
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