Looking ahead

Ohla and Hi all rolled in one,

Happy Cold Sunday!!

Then again, it really isn't THAT cold, though considering the number of people using up all the oxygen here now, it would probably be a lot more colder if they all disappeared.

Oh well.. 3 hearty cheers to the weather!!

Hip Hip Hurray!!!!!

We never really realize how much we have and how much protection from God we have on all sides till something happens.

On  me way to work this morning, I saw an accident happen. It was like a horror movie gone wrong.

The car ahead was driving straight on, that seemed normal.. when all of a sudden it dipped into the road divider bit and then the driver swerved sharply to the right and into those cemented drum-like things used at the entrances of barracks and naval bases.

All in a second! Like everything was happening in slow motion.

Then the car flipped. I was dazed! I just kept saying Jesus.

Thankfully, the occupants, all dudes - three of them; crawled out faster than Lightning McQueen.

Hmm.,. Thank God for life o!

I don't know why, but I just kept listening out for an explosion even after I'd gone past the scene.

Which brings me to my point; If one is here now, surely God isn't done with you yet.

So while you're looking at 2014 in retrospect and trying to rate yourself on how well you lived it,success and all; count your blessings! For all you know, the day your car refused to start that wet Monday morning, God could very well have averted some sort of danger coming your way.

Ok, chill on the scary talk.

All I'm saying is this. Count your blessings. Work hard. Love God and people around you. And as much as you want all them materialistic things, also strive for things that will put your soul and being at peace with you and with God.

Overall, I'd say my 2014 was uhmm..... really quiet.

Though there was the occasional hit and miss with some really unique beings,( from whom I expected ALOT more than they displayed..Humans will always be ..humans,aye??) I had above all,the gift of love from family and friends who showed up for me big time. And then there was KayCee too.

So for 2015, all I want is peace and happiness.

I will strive to cherish what I have today and be thankful for it. Not spend precious time looking back when I have got sooooo much to look forward to.

I will lower my expectations of other humans. Because in truth, there's only so much they can do, which points back to the fact that they're only human. I will try not to be around people who soak up all my energy. Kai!! 2014 was the end of that chapter.
Been there, done that, got 2 mugs. That, there,will be one area where I'll FINALLY be able to hone my disappearing skills, no holds barred.

I will strive to be happy for now, for this minute.

So help me God!




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