Importance = Value Placed Therein.

Hi hi Bee,

Long holidays over... Everything back to almost normal... You do know its Christmas, right?

Oh well.

How have you been?

So, I've been thinking( oh no... there she goes again.. I'd better take off now...hehehehe).
Anyways.. I've been reading a lot of stuff lately and it just crossed my mind again, that things are only as important as the value placed on such an item or event.

A lot of people have a time frame set in their mind as regards when they ought to be settled and married, with kids and the white picket fence.

All that IS great! But what happens when it doesn't happen??
Wii you come and go and kii yasef?

I have alwaysssss known in some tiny part of my mind, that I will have twins.

Note that I said, twins, not just kids. I just know. Like Keletwi would say, I'm completely certain and he, on the other hand, isn't quite sure.
According to him, I'm all for having my way.
Funny how I never see myself in that light.


I was talking to Keletwi about something and talk about one of his friends came up. This friend is married and he decides that he has ARRIVED and decides to get a girlfriend.
This dude also happens to have kids, although his family doesn't stay in the same state as he does.
  So, he feels - in his left mind- that he's the slickest of them all and isn't bothered about this weird attitude of his.

Like I always say... If you decide to cheat and feel fly because your spouse hasn't caught your sorry being yet; you really are a clown.

You haven't been paying attention to the recent happenings in the world to know that Jesus will be here before you know it?
Eyin aye!!!!!!!! E beru Oolorun o!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fear of the Lord truly is the beginning of wisdom.

Hmmm.. the said dude shouldn't be worried about his wife finding out fa!!!!!!!!
2nd Chronicles 16:9 tell of how the Lord's eyes run to and fro throughout the earth to show forth his strength to those whom he finds blameless in his sight.

If you're not bothered about being found blameless in God's sight, do you also not have a care as to the thought of having God's eyes on you while you're cheating??????/


I don't know o!


Everyday I see things in a whole new different light.

As much as I would miss out on not having kids and a family of mine, having a family doesn't supersede the position of God in my life and I am content to keep looking up to God to come through for ME. I will not find fault in his ways because He is perfect in ALL his ways. And his promises are true ALWAYS.

I will rejoice in everyday I get because if I get a new day, surely God isn't finished with me!

I was listening to Oghene Doh today while waiting in the Departure Area and I couldn't stop the tears.

Most times, I forget how far God has brought me.. I needed that quiet time to see it.

God has been faithful to me. He has always come through for me...always!!!!
He has carved out a plan for my life in the hollow of his hands, where I am safe.

And so I ask myself; what do I place the most value on???? What do I hope in???

On family? On cars and fat bank accounts?

On friends??( oh by the way, that in itself, has been spirally downwards since since.. so no show there...)

On things that can disappear in a bit??

Or in the Lord.. The maker of ALL things.. The beginning and The End.. I mean like He started everything and WILL end everything.. How awesome is that!!!!

I will keep my eyes on the Lord. With Him at my side, I shall stand firm.

It doesn't matter what comes or goes.

Ok ok ok! I didn't mean to let it all out that way. My hands and mind have a way of drifting and floating with the words.

It is a lovely Saturday; with the rains and all.

Have a splendid weekend!

Above all,

Be true to you,

Be you.



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