Movies and Reality

If half the things that happened in movies were to happen in real life.... Hmmm..

Say, there was a female somewhere like Elsa {( that's a really nice name, I guess if both twins were females, I could name them,'Elsa' and 'Elle')

(Her make up is lovuleeee, by the way)} who could wreck havoc on the seasons! That would be something.

* Or if there was really
a dog like this?
Remember the one in 'Never Ending Story?'

I guess everyone would get a dog. Save us all the stress of battling with mechanics. And dealing with traffic. And bad roads.. Every household would have their own flying canine.

Somehow, that waff reminds me of Merlin's Aithusa. Here;

Ookkk!!! So, maybe there's no resemblance. Then again, I never said there was. I only said it reminded me of the other it :D

After all said and done, I wouldn't mind a full dose of super powers though..

Just kidding.

I like me just the way me is.



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